Fascinating facts about braces

Although the past braces were not the same as those of the present, their history dates back centuries, and their goal was always the same: to give users the smile of their dreams. Like other forms of treatment, braces have developed with the help of reliable technology. They offer patients a reliable and practical way to have a brighter smile, and here are some fascinating braces facts. Rochester NY braces treatment are worth enough for your investment as they will let you flaunt your appearance.

Braces Date Back Almost 300 Years

The contemporary mouth brace was created in 1728 by French physician Pierre Fauchard. He used a bar on top of the mouth to hold a flat piece of metal threaded onto the teeth. Edward Angle made significant advancements with braces in 1915, which are still used today. He built brackets that were easier to use and more comfortable than those made 200 years earlier.  

Modern orthodontics owes a debt of gratitude to NASA.

When NASA developed nickel titanium, a metal alloy, in 1959, the orthodontics field made tremendous advances. Initially intended for use in space missions as a heat-resistant metal, this metal proved ideal for creating thin, flexible wires that would keep orthodontic brackets in place. Eventually, this breakthrough inspired innovations like Invisalign in Rochester NY that provide a transparent and practical method of teeth alignment using cutting-edge materials.

The first known mouthguards to shield teeth belonged to the deceased.

Archaeologists believe the earliest orthodontic procedures were performed in Greece as early as 1000 BC. When a person passed away, the ancient Etruscans used a mouthguard to prevent their teeth from falling inward as they prepared for the afterlife. Braces in Rochester NY are an acceptable option if you want a happy present life.

Wrapping it up

Whether you want Invisalign in Rochester NY, or braces, you should get advice from an orthodontist is the key. Both options have pros and cons, so analyze your needs and make the best of them.

To know more about Orthodontic Service in 14620 please visit our website: rochesterfamilyorthodontics.com


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